Sunday, June 30, 2013

Birthday Workout

Endurance Workout:  July-1 @7pm

We are going to have a special endurance workout for Heidi.  

The workout will include some of the things that we do all the time.  Things that will make us faster and stronger.  The workout will also include some of things that I've alway wanted to do.  We just needed a special occasion.   And I'm sorry to say, that even though the "run a 400 and then drink a beer" was the #1 vote winner, I have something else programmed.  I know..."he's no fun"  :)

Hope to see you at the track!!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Repeating a Repeat Workout

Sprint Workout:  7pm, Wednesday, June 26th, Foothill College Track

6 x 300 meters
100m walking rest + an add'l 30 seconds rest.

Yes - we have done this workout before.  Yes - we will continue to repeat this workout.  This is a workout that is commonly performed by track athletes every 2-3 weeks.  This workout builds speed, endurance, and confidence.  Jason Khalipa performed this workout today and absolutely killed it.  

Pace ranges will be based on your 400 meter PRs.

Be ready to run fast...really fast!!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sprint Finishes

Monday, June-24 @7pm 
Foothill College Track

This endurance workout will simulate the finishing sprint in road races or CrossFit workouts with running finishes.  We will be running a series of 1000 meter tempo intervals with very limited rest in order to achieve that extreme leg fatigue feeling common in long races or workouts.

Intermediate Distance

4 x 800m with 2:1 work to rest, 3 x 200m 1:1 rest

Long Distance

4 x 1000m with 2:1 work to rest, 3 x 300m 1:1 rest

Ultra Distrance

5 x 1000m with 2:1 work to rest, 3 x 400m 1:1 rest

The fast finish becomes the focus of this workout.  You start the workout at a strong and sustainable tempo.  The pace for the 400s is intended to be fast - that's because you are sprinting to the finish line!!

I will provide each athlete their specific pace ranges. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Incredibly Fortunate

I have run intervals on countless running tracks around the world including facilities that held the World Championships and the Olympic Games.  Give me Foothill..!!! 

Wait...   "What"???  

Running intervals on a track is tough work and mentally exhausting.  My athletes often see me rub the track and give a nod to the gods when I arrive for a workout.  Because...track workouts STRESS ME OUT!!   However, Foothill is the VERY best track and field that I have ever visited.  It's a beautiful facility that is brand new, perfectly maintained, and never crowded.  

As a coach, it is our job to provide programming that generates results.  Results come after LOTS of hard work.  Foothill helps make my job easy.  Foothill makes you want to run.  

Speed Workout:  June 19, 2013 at Foothill College - 7pm

We will once again be running our sprint workout on the football field.  Sprint day will be a series of out and back shuttle sprints that start (every time) from the goal line.
  1. Start on the goal line, sprint 100 yards to the oppisite goal line, touch line, turn and sprint back to original goal line starting point.  Total distance:  200 yards.  Rest is 100 yards walking.
  2. Start on goal line, sprint to the far 10 yard line, touch line, turn and sprint back to the original goal line starting point.  Total distance:  180 yards.  Rest is 100 yards walking.
  3. Start on goal line, sprint to the far 20 yard line, touch line, turn and sprint back to the original goal line starting point.  Total distance:  160 yards.  Rest is 100 yards walking.
  4. Goal line to far 30 and return.  Distance:  140 yards.  Rest is 100 yards walking.
  5. Goal line to far 40 and return.  Distance:  120 yards.  Rest is 100 yards walking
  6. Goal line to 50 and return.  Distance:  100 yards.  Rest is 100 yards walking. 
  7. Goal line to near 40 and return.  Distance:  80 yards.  Rest is 100 yards walking.
  8. Goal line to near 30 and return.  Distance:  60 yards.  Rest is 100 yards walking.
  9. Goal line to near 20 and return.  Distance:  40 yards.  Rest is 100 yards walking.
  10. Goal line to near 10 and return.  Distance:  20 yards.  Done
Total Distance:  1100 yards

Sunday, June 16, 2013

(200, 200, 500) x ??? rounds

Monday, June-17 @7pm - Endurance Workout

Intermediate Distance:
3 rounds:  1x 200m, 1x 200m, 1x 500m
Rest:  1:1 rest that includes a 100m walk.

Long Distance:
5 rounds:  1x 200m, 1x 200m, 1x 500m
Rest:  1:1 rest that includes a 100m walk.

I know...I know, this workout looks too easy.  Don't worry because I haven't explained the rest.  We are going to treat each round as a 900m continuous effort.  

You will run the 1st 200m at your 800m tempo pace.  The 2nd 200m will start after the 1st 200 at a recovery jog pace (sub-7:30 min pace).  The 500m will start after the 2nd 200.  The 500m pace will again equal to your 800m pace range. 

I will provide each athlete their specific 200m and 500m pace ranges. 

Practice, practice, practice!!

As CrossFit athletes we have all learned that it takes effort to get good, and more importantly, stay good at any movement. Running is no exception.  I love this picture because of the story it tells - an example of our coaches practicing what they preach.  

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pace Targets

How do I pace the endurance workouts?  

One of the most unique aspects of the NorCal Endurance class is the specific pace ranges that are provided to each athlete prior to every workout interval.  The specific pace times are based on the workout distance, interval distance, rest, and the runner's recent PR times.  As example, last night each athlete at the endurance class was provided customized pace targets for their 200m, 600m and 400m intervals.  As I get to know each athlete the programmed pace target range becomes narrower and narrower.  Today, Jason, Garret, Pat, Miranda, and Neal were given specific times for each of their 900m intervals.  Although the targets are very aggressive, they force each athlete to run at a controlled pace based on the workout objective.  

Today our NorCal coaches ran the workout that I have programmed for our NorCal Endurance class on Jun-17 at 7pm.  I loved this workout so much that I ran it twice today - yep twice.  I highly encourage you to join our Monday class and run this same workout.

Wednesday, June-12 at 7pm, Sprint Workout

 3x (50yds, 100yds, 150yds) 

These are 100% max efforts.  Walking rest between efforts is 3x the performed distance. 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

200s, 600s & 400s

Endurance Workout:  Monday, June-10th at 7pm

Intermediate Distance Runner
3 x 200m with 100m slow walking rest  
2 x 600m with 300m slow walking rest  
3 x 400m with 200m slow walking rest  
***No additional rest between distance transition.

Long Distance Runner
4 x 200m with 100m slow walking rest  
4 x 600m with 300m slow walking rest  
4 x 400m with 200m slow walking rest  
***No additional rest between distance transition.

I will provide each athlete their 600m pace ranges.

200s:  The purpose of the 200s is to dial-in your 600m pace.  Control your pace during the 200s.  Stay focused on your form and breathing.  Start the 200s on the turn.  Focus on the first 5 steps.  Start fast and drive.  Your vision during the drive phase is down & towards the ground (verses up & down the track).  Be aware of your arm movement – think elbows.  Continue accelerating to 50m. Stride out the remaining 150m at an easy and controlled tempo.    

600s:  The core of this workout is the 600s.  The 600s need to be run hard (88-92% max heart rate).  

400s:  The pace target for 400s the same pace for the 600s.  The 400s should feel “easier” in comparison to the 600s.  Start on the turn.  Like the 200s, focus on your first 5 steps, accelerate to the 50, and then settle-in for a steady pace to 200m.  I want you to push the turn from 200-300m.  This section should hurt.  Then back off the tempo, shake out the arms, get control of your breathing, and stride out the final 100m.  ***Remember, the pace for your 400s need to match your average 600m pace.  In other words, don't blast the 600s and then leave nothing for the 400s.  Use the 200s to judge your confidence for the 600s.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Speed Work - Wed, 7pm at Foothill Track

Great news!!  We have the football field back at Foothill.  Let's take full advantage of its availability during our speed workout tomorrow. 

4 x 300 yards with 200 yards walking rest between efforts:  The 300s are shuttle spints similar to the wod from the 2012 CF Games.  The 300s will be performed on the football field. Start on the goal line, run to the 50 turn, run back to the goal line turn, run the 100yd length of the field, turn at the goal line, run back across the field to the original goal line.  The focus of the 50s is the first 5 steps and the turn (two handed touch on the field).  The focus of the 100s is your breathing and form.  Remember, these are sprints and they will hurt. 


Football Field Tabata:  8 x 100 yards - Goal line to goal line Tabata (with 10 seconds REST between effots).  The 8 x 100 yards are 100% efforts between goal line and goal line.  Count 10 seconds rest then repeat for 8 rounds. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

2 min ON : 1 min OFF

Monday, June-3, Endurance Track Workout:  Foothill College at 7pm

6 rounds:  2 minutes ON (90% effort) followed by 1 minute OFF (rest)
***You can only accumulate distance during the "ON" portion of the workout.  Record total distance covered.

This workout is my favorite treadmill workout.  It is a benchmark workout that I use to test my aerobic and anaerobic conditioning.  The rest period is just enough to let you catch your breath and then you're running again.  On the treadmill, I track my pace/mile for each 2min ON round.  On the track, I measure my total distance covered.  

Experience has taught me to pace carefully on my first two rounds - not going out too hard.  

See you on the track!!