Sunday, April 13, 2014


Coach Chris putting Jason Khalipa through the paces.

Foothill Community College Track
Monday, Apr-14 5:30-7:00pm & 6:00-7:30pm

Intermediate Distance Workout
4x200m with 200m easy jog between efforts
4min rest
4min rest
4x200m with 10sec rest plus 200m easy jog between efforts
Total:  4000m

Long Distance Workout
5x200m with 200m easy jog between efforts
4min rest
4min rest
5x200m with 10sec rest plus 200m easy jog between efforts
Total:  5000m

Workout Details:  The 200s will be fast.  You will need to pace the 200m jogs so that you're recovered enough to hold your fast 200m interval time.  I will give each athlete his or her personalized 200m fast interval times.  The 1000m interval will be at your 400m pace from our Apr-9 workout.  For the 2nd set of 200s has an additional 10sec of rest.  Focus on getting your heart rate down during this 10sec rest.

1 comment:

  1. My legs and my ankles are killing me today. Lots of high impact yesterday - the 200m sets were a lot tougher than the 1000m....
