Friday, March 13, 2015


Lane 1 is a privilege that is only allowed when you are on the clock.  
Jason and Coach Joey need to learn the rules of the road.

NorCal CrossFit Redwood City
Saturday, Mar-14, 10:30am to noon

Intermediate & Long Distance Workout
Part 1:
5min run, row, or bike
1min rest
4min run, row, or bike
45sec rest
3min run, row, or bike
30sec rest
2min run, row, or bike
15sec rest
1min run, row, or bike

Rest 10min (while warming up deadlift)

Part 2:
5 rounds
6x deadlifts (315/225 or 225/185 or 185/135)
9x depth drops
12x split box jumps 
40sec max double unders (scale max single unders)
3min rest

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