Tuesday, June 3, 2014


I must admit we all clean up nicely.  All we need is a good shirt.  :)

Foothill Community College Track

Wednesday, Jun-4 at 5:30-7:00pm & 6:00-7:30pm

Intermediate Distance Workout
3 rounds for time:  400m run plus 25 air-squats
90sec rest between efforts

Long Distance Workout
4 rounds for time:  400m run plus 25 jumping air-squats (feet must leave ground)
90sec rest between rounds

Workout Details:  Each athlete will be doing an 5min easy run before the main set.  The goal of this workout is to find a fast and sustainable pace for the entire duration.  Don't underestimate the fatigue of those air-squats.  You will soon realize that running and air-squats are related.

Easy 400m warm down.


  1. Hey Mr. H,

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  2. Thanks for the note. We are doing the beta testing now. We are targeting to do a limited release by the end of the month and a full release by the end of July.

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  4. Thank you for the feedback Ricky. I put a lot of thought into each workout. My goal is to make my followers better athletes - not just physically but also to improve their knowledge and confidence.
